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Top NSFW Discord Servers • Porn • Nudes • 18+

Jan 15, 2023

Welcome to the vibrant realm of online communities, where Discord reigns supreme as a platform for creating connections. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to this dynamic community, understanding its inner workings is key.

Discord serves as a bustling hub for over 250 million registered users worldwide, offering a space for like-minded individuals to gather in servers. These servers provide an avenue for interaction, sharing interests, and engaging in various activities across different niches such as gaming, artistry, hobbies, and more.

Discord Servers List

The door has been opened to 18+ users to browse discord servers. Porn, nude lovers, anime fans, and much more. There's a server for just about any topic.

People love to get kinky and horny or just simply play video games or socialize with mature users who are not just into gaming but making friends.

However, you could find Discord Servers elsewhere, with chill members who like to game who are open minded in a fresh vibrant community.

All though, we'll show you the best ones below for you don't have to look through top discord server listing websites, get ready to get your NSFW on with these amazing communities below.

It's easy to find NSFW servers that you want on, you can simply search and discover the servers you want or look through which is a Discord server listing website.

Join NSFW Discord Servers: 

Now let's delve into the intriguing domain of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) channels on Discord. Contrary to popular belief that these channels solely focus on explicit content like hentai or pornography, they actually encompass a diverse range of topics including art appreciation, discussions about relationships and sexuality, and beyond.

NSFW channels serve not only as platforms for sharing explicit material but also as safe spaces where individuals can freely express themselves without fear of judgment or shame. These communities foster open dialogue around sensitive subjects that may be stigmatized elsewhere.

In our next section, we will explore the reasons why finding NSFW channels on Discord can enhance your experience within this dynamic community. Stay tuned!

  • Pornhub Discord Server

Pornhub NSFW Discord Server - we do not own the branding nor the rights

The Pornhub discord server is "sex worker" friendly, they have a fully working verification system that needs to be done in order to share or post within the community, it's strictly 18+.

The Pornhub discord server features active chats, active posting channels and active buying/selling channels for all those who wish to sell or post as a creator.

It's also perfect for those looking for porn or nudes. All though, this server isn't new on Discord it's been around for a long time it's still a notable server to be added to this list of Discord Servers.

Active chats, here the NSFW channels are active and so are the chats so you can easily jump in if you're 18+ and chat to sellers or creators, there is also other channels for those who want to experience a social experience more closely with sellers. 

Posting and selling channels are also active normally posted in every hour, you can view those if you scroll down in the Pornhub discord server until you see the channels labeled as NSFW. 

The verification system here is decent aswell, it's safe and efficient and the staff are there to respond to your ticket if you wish to verify yourself to fully unlock the server itself and I presume the posting channels aswell that contain NSFW.

Join the Pornhub Discord Server
  • Bold 18+ Discord Server

Bold 18+ NSFW Discord Server - we do not own the branding nor the rights

The Bold 18+ server is a unique one, this one has a combination between, selling, buying, posting and a active social community within the server, all though the server itself is more oriented as a combination between a social experience, selling, buying you can still find loads of people and loads of NSFW content. Bold 18+ is also a "sex worker friendly server".

The verification system on the Bold 18+ server is safe and efficient aswell, the staff is there ready to respond to your verification requests all though with this server you do not unlock the posting or selling unless you verify as a creator.

Same thing as the Pornhub Discord Server the only difference is with the Bold 18+ server you need to verify yourself as a creator, so there's two levels of verification, a normal verification then a verification system for posting/selling. In this community you can talk about NSFW, you can talk about anime, maybe find friends to play video games with. 

Join the Bold 18+ Discord Server
  • Lust Discord Server

Lust Discord Server - we do not own the branding nor the rights
The Lust Discord Server is another good server, this one isn't new it has been around for awhile but it features an active chat, active posting and selling channels aswell.

The posting channels are filled with porn, nudes, however to access or post in this server you need to verify yourself. It's also strictly18+ and NSFW related. 

To get into this server as a creator/seller it's recommended to get past the verification system to be able to access the posting channels or selling channels. 

Join the Lust Discord Server
  • Sinful Discord Server

Discord Server Sinful

The Sinful Discord server is a server that features all sort of adult topics users might be interested in. Sinful also has selling channels. Sinful also has a verified only adult side, plus they have active voice channels for users looking to chat with other adults. However, what seperates Sinful from the other discord servers listed above is, sinful focuses on verifications only, selling and posting is part of Sinful yes, but their focus is more on the side of social and engaging bots. 

If you're interested in joining the discord server sinful, then can find the discord server by visitng the link below

Join the Discord Server Sinful

What is Discord NSFW Servers?

  • Share memes
  • Talk in chats 
  • Safe verification systems 
  • Talk about anime, hentai, art
  • Make new friends
  • Play adult content or play video games 
  • Post or share as a creator/seller 
  • NSFW Discord Servers is a channel setting, the community itself may contain a large variety of topics to chat or share about inside the channels.
  • Sharing and talking about their interest in hentai, anime, porn, nudes, is just some of the examples of topics that NSFW channels may contain.

    You can make new friends, share your NSFW content, hangout in voice calls with other people, you can share your best NSFW content aswell if you're a seller. It's also easy to find active members to have consensual play with.

    The verification system in NSFW Discord Servers, Discord 18+ servers are there to ensure the users who are using the Discord channels are of age. 

    Discord 18+ servers are known to apply a role to your Discord profile inside the server after a successful verification.

    Which will grant access to special nsfw channels and posting permissions within nsfw specific Discord channels.

What is Discord NSFW?

Discord has strict guidelines about NSFW content. Engaging in such activities can result in account suspension or banning. It's important to respect the platform's rules and use it responsibly to avoid any consequences.

  • NSFW Discord servers contain explicit content that is not suitable for minors
  • Users should be prepared to encounter adult material such as nudity, sexual content, and graphic language
  • It is important to follow the rules and guidelines of each NSFW server to avoid being banned or reported
  • Some NSFW Discord servers may require age verification before granting access
  • Users should exercise caution when interacting with others in NSFW communities to protect their privacy and safety.

Joining Discord Servers

how to join discord servers

You can browse through Discord Server listing websites or go to to find Discord Servers, simply search in the discovery feature or search at the top of Discord listing websites.

Once you are granted with an invite, simply press accept on the invite to be given access to the Discord Server.

After you're inside browse the channels and look around  the Discord server, more often than not there's a chat, there's a verification channel, there is also posting channels that are only accessible if you've verified inside of the server however it's quite easy.

Watch the video below for more information and look below for Discord listing websites.

The video below details instructions on how to join Discord Servers. You can type in a vanity for example, 

You can also Google porn discord server, Nude discord servers, discord 18+ servers or the word Discord Servers to find thousands of servers to join. 

All though it's recommended if you are 18+ a of age user on discord to stick with the servers meant for of age users which are labeled as nsfw server or adult discord servers, specially the servers with a safe verification system.

Which can he found inside of the servers labeled as verify here, inside the channel you should see a discord ticket bot that allows you to open a ticket to become verified inside the Discord nsfw server the discord 18+ server you've joined.

Can Discord Servers Be a Welcoming Community?

Users will find a fun experience that varies from different servers. Chill members who follows the rules within the server or community itself. Before joining make sure to review the rules in the channels.

Once you have done so and it's decided to be the right fit for you a server becomes a lovely welcoming place.

You can easily chat about your interests with people, may it be about anime, gaming, porn, nudes, or talking with others in DMS, it's quite a lovely place however some require you to verify, some Discord Servers require you to verify before posting aswell.

It's straight forward and quite easy and a safe process, and there's more often than not active choice channels or voice channels in general to bring your friends in to talk to or to talk to your friends within there.

Some servers also offer OC, original content. Meaning they are Discord Porn Servers but in a adult discord server, 18+ discord server, social discord server setting with a discord chat.

You may also find it easy to talk to and make friends on the app itself.

NSFW Discord Channels

Yes, with this it's a trust and safety thing to become verified before you post or access NSFW channels, it's recommended to ask how do you post or how do you complete the process before going ahead and trying to post something as most do not allow people to post without verifying that they are of age which is for a good reason. 

It's also important to note to review the rules within each Discord Porn, Discord Nude, Discord 18+, Discord Adult, Discord NSFW Server before deciding if it's the right fit for you.

Some Discord Servers may require you to do certain steps before being able to post and or engage within the community like verification, some may require users to pick roles. 

However, if you decide it's the right fit for you as a creator or as a normal user looking to engage inside of the discord channels and would like to post then you may require certain roles and permissions but it is always a good idea to look around the discord first.

Once approved and or you're able to post within the Discord Server you've joined.

You may also want to use a linktree or linksharing service to link back to your Bold18 profile. This will bring a steady streams of fans and will be a great source of mometum for your content marketing.

Age Protected Channels

Inside the discord channels you will most likely find a channel labeled as verifications, there will be instructions on how to verify inside of the server.

Once you've followed these instructions after a successful verification you will most likely be granted access to the exclusive channels within the server and most likely be granted access to posting or selling, however with Bold 18+ this is not the case you would be required to become a creator to sell or post.

For safety measures and for other reasons.

Within the Pornhub Discord server you would need to review their verification process and what you can access after you've become verified within the server.

With the Lust Discord server it would be the same thing, you'd need to review the channel described as get verified or become verified then complete the instructions within a ticket system inside the Discord Server.

If you don't feel comfortable sharing personal information a lot of the Discord Servers allow you to cover up or blur anything besides DOB for safety and trust reasons so that's also important to note.

Age Verification

However you would need to look inside the channels labeled as get verified or become verified for each servers specific set of instructions on how to successfuly complete a verification.
  1. Take a picture with your ID. Make sure to cover up sensitive information. Only your date of birth should be visible.
  2. Take a selfie holding a piece of paper with the servers name present with your discord user ID
  3. Submit your verification request then wait to be verified.
Some servers require verification to help limit catfishing and abide by the discord community guidelines and discord terms of service.

What is Discord 18+?

Discord 18+
NSFW servers are meant for users who are only 18+. Discord channels require the user to confirm their age to access NSFW channels. NSFW channels are also age protected. 

All Discord channels that contain not safe for work should be labeled in the discord channel settings as NSFW

All NSFW channels are 18+ Discord servers. NSFW which is 18+ Discord servers but labeled as 18+ due to users needing to be eighteen years or older to access the discord channels.

NSFW / 18+ servers are meant for mature adults who are over the age eighteen.

Find top Discord 18+ Servers servers 

What is Discord Top Server Listing Websites?

Discord listing services are ways to find top Servers, like porn discord servers, nude discords servers. It's recommended to stick with the recommended list for buying and selling above as these are the most trusted servers on Discord for this sorta thing and we will continually add more under the supported trust seal. However, below are listed resources:  To use these services to find the best discord channels, you need to search for it on the website in the search bar or find the specific tags for different discord channels.

With Disboard it's recommended to click a tag then select the drop down menu to view the largest servers by member count. With it's recommended to join the most voted ones, Discadia you may also want to join the most voted ones aswell all though there's a lot of good servers burried.

Disboost, most voted servers aswell, discordhome same thing. Each system on each website is similar, it's sorted by most voted to least voted with a searchable bar, tag system based you simply select the tags you wish then explore the servers within the tag.

However, what it is not recommended to do is join random servers to buy from, socialize is fine, but it is not recommended to join untrusted servers for buying and or selling, the list above ensures trust and safety.

The servers above are trusted servers to buy from for many reasons, a sturdy verification system, a safe process to protect you as a buyer and to protect you as a seller/creator.

The trusted servers are the places to go to use as a marketplace or a social server for buying and selling. It's recommended to avoid doing transactions outside of the trusted list curated here.

Joining NSFW Servers On IOS 

if your favorite server has been restricted on ios you may need to open your discord on the desktop and toggle a setting in your user settings to access the discord server on your ios device. 

When you have toggled the setting you should be able to then close out of discord on your desktop then navigate back to your discord on the ios to view the discord server. 

If you're unable to still access the discord server that has been ios restricted, you can read more about the Discord 18+ IOS Restriction here.

The discord server itself may have been permanently locked on ios devices which means if you've togged the proper setting on your discord on the desktop that may be the only way to access that particular server.

Sometimes discord server are permanently locked on ios or partially locked, partially locked servers are still reachable if the proper setting has been enabled on your discord account on the desktop. 

A fully locked discord server on ios can only be accessed on devices like Android, desktop, etc.

Discord NSFW Server Restrictions

Discord restricted servers in general on IOS but loosened the restrictions on April 19th because of a new implementation by IOS itself. Now some servers may get restricted on IOS and require a user to specially unlock the server via desktop and in severe cases unable to use a Discord Server that has adult related content on it on IOS and be forced to use a desktop client or an android client on while using Discord Servers. 

The above is very useful information when it comes to how to get around IOS restricted Discord implemented to be able to access the Discord Server you wanted to use. There is also a video below detailing how to access Discord Adult Servers with adult related content on them below.

Discord Trust And Safety While Browsing

It's recommended to use the list above for the best and or most trusted Discord NSFW servers.

When you are buying, make sure to only dm those who are within the verified channels, it may be named as verified discords for example as it is in Bold 18+, however is it not recommended to DM the ones who are not within these channels, including the people you may find in a chat room.

The reason being is if you check the roles on the users Discord profile and it says "Unverified" that means the staff team itself did not vent the person.

This person could be a potential risk to you, so do not buy from this person, what you want is the verified people, these people are vented for trust and safety reasons.

Our List Conclusion: 

Please also keep in mind, if you encounter some issues inside of the server, make sure to speak to the staff team and or the people in charge of running the server.

Take a look at Reddit NSFW for more NSFW communities
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